
本文目录一览 1.看美剧学英文是胡扯?错,你只是没有按这四个步骤来 2."a wild card&q…





除此之外,她能回忆起一些简单的打招呼的用语,例如,“Hi, how are you doing”,事实上她能立刻回忆起的主要是故事情节以及人物感情关系,她能把这个故事讲得栩栩如生。

























What makes you think you belong here? With all due respect, I thought the key to being a lucid crime scene investigator was to reserve judgment until the evidence vindicates or eliminates assumption. (是什么让你觉得你属于这里?在所有应有的尊重,我认为成为一个清醒的犯罪现场调查员的关键是保留判决,直到证据证明或消除假设。)


But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea: why not quit your job? Kids do much better with stay-at-home moms; it was much less stressful. (但是当她的医生宣布Lynette怀孕的时候,她的丈夫Tom有了一个主意:为什么不辞掉你的工作呢?有全职妈妈的孩子表现更好;压力要小得多。)






从以上《犯罪调查现场》和《绝望主妇》的台词对比可以看出,前者台词涉及到较难的单词,比如lucid, vindicate等,就算经过查词翻译成中文,没有相关的背景知识,学生也看不懂是什么意思,这样的英文输入是无益于学生吸收的。







比如学生常发错的音【th】,发音时需要将舌尖轻轻放在上下排牙齿之间,才能正确发出thank, think, these等单词;再比如长元音【i:】,需要将嘴裂开,上下牙齿合拢,如果发音不清晰,beach(沙滩)这个词很容易与另一个负面意思的单词相混淆。因此,在无人指导的情况下,观察美剧人物的口型能够自我纠音。


比如在《绝望的主妇》中有这样一句台词:It's been a little rough.

我们在学习时可以将这个表达与剧情和画面“锁”在一起。女主角之一的Lynette本来是职场女强人,后来听丈夫的话呆在家里做全职妈妈,丈夫则飞来飞去各地开会工作。这一次丈夫出差好几天,Lynette独自照顾三个孩子,实在疲惫不堪,好不容易等回了丈夫,这时Lynette满脸憔悴地说:It's been a little rough,表明自己确实很累、疲于应付,过得有些艰难。

在复述这个句子的时候,可以将自己想象成女主Lynette,然后模仿她的语气和语调说出这句台词,复述的时候尽量在脑海中呈现出剧情画面。下一次,当你面对一桌子待处理的工作或一堆要复习的资料时,不妨抓着脑袋大喊一声:It's been a little rough。








因此,我们通过步骤二的“真实模仿”和步骤三的“组织策略加工”学习到的英语可以迁移到相似的生活场景里。比如在校园里遇见熟悉的同学,我们可以非常自然随意的来一句“hey, what's up”。






You: Hi. Check out, please.

Staff: Sure. The charge is 50 dollars in total.

You: Can I pay by credit card? I don't have enough cash on me.

Staff: Yes. Swipe your card here, please.

You: Here we go.

Staff: Thank you. Have a nice day.

You: You too.



2."a wild card" 是什么意思?~名师答疑

30 September 2022

美国朋友常说"a wild card."它是什么意思?




但是我们不只在牌游戏中听到"wild card."在运动中用这种表达表示一个被邀请竞争冠军的队。如:

For example, in American football, the best teams play each other at the end of the season – in a series of games called "playoffs." A few teams that might not have the best records are invited to play against the top teams. It is possible, if the wildcard team is good enough, that it can win the championship.

Here is an example showing how a wild card team won the championship of American football, the Super Bowl.

In 2007, the New York Giants entered the playoffs as a wild card team, but they went on to beat the New England Patriots and win the Super Bowl.

你可能会猜测我们也能用"a wild card."描述人。如果一个人神秘莫测,你不确信他将怎么行动,那么你可以说:

My brother is a wild card when it comes to holidays – we never know if he is coming to our family dinners.

最后,在计算机的世界里,wild card描述通配符。它看起来是个星号。如:

For example, if you want a computer to find all the words in a document that start with the prefix dis- so you can write a command: "Find dis*." The result will be a set of words like these: discover, discuss, dismiss, and the like.


American friend usually says. It is the… expression "a wild card." What does it mean?

This expression is like many that come to American English from card games, especially the game of poker.

Each set of playing cards has two extra cards. These can take the place of lost or damaged cards. These cards are called "Jokers." They often have a picture of a clown-like person sometimes called a jester.

In some card games, the "Joker" card is dealt to the players along with the usual kinds of cards. It serves as a "wild card" in the game. That means, if you have it in your hand, you can use it as any other card. Here is an example of how a player might talk about their use of a wild card in a game.

I have three kings and one joker. I'll use the wild card as a king, so now I have four kings.

But card games are not the only places you will hear the term "wild card." In sports, we use the expression for a team that is invited to compete for a championship. For example, in American football, the best teams play each other at the end of the season – in a series of games called "playoffs." A few teams that might not have the best records are invited to play against the top teams. It is possible, if the wildcard team is good enough, that it can win the championship.

Here is an example showing how a wild card team won the championship of American football, the Super Bowl.

In 2007, the New York Giants entered the playoffs as a wild card team, but they went on to beat the New England Patriots and win the Super Bowl.

And, as you can probably guess, we use "wild card" to describe people as well. If a person is unpredictable, you cannot be sure of how they will act. Then you might say:

My brother is a wild card when it comes to holidays – we never know if he is coming to our family dinners.

Finally, in the world of computers, the term "wild card" describes a symbol that programmers use. It looks like a little star and is called an asterisk. It means anything can appear in that place. For example, if you want a computer to find all the words in a document that start with the prefix dis- so you can write a command: "Find dis*." The result will be a set of words like these: discover, discuss, dismiss, and the like.

3.《喋血复仇》官方罗列已知BUG 并称正在积极修复

《喋血复仇》在正式在全球发售后,玩家们就已经发现了各种奇怪的BUG。开发商Turtle Rock表示他们已经看到了这些问题,并发布了一份《喋血复仇》BUG列表,并称他们正努力解决这些BUG。


修复了Doc, Hoffman, Jim和Karlee在单人战役中无法解锁的BUG。








在英特尔文件夹拾取器上没有显示“card here”



Rescue Pod中玩家的名字显示为bot的名字。









空指针(Null Pointer Exception,NPE)是Java中最常见不过的异常,防止 NPE,是程序员的基本修养







A wise man once said you are not a real Java programmer until you've dealt with a null pointer exception. Joking aside, the null reference is the source of many problems because it is often used to denote the absence of a value. Java SE 8 introduces a new class called java.util.Optional that can alleviate some of these problems.

Let's start with an example to see the dangers of null. Let's consider a nested object structure for a Computer, as illustrated in Figure 1.

What's possibly problematic with the following code?

String version = computer.getSoundcard().getUSB().getVersion();

This code looks pretty reasonable. However, many computers (for example, the Raspberry Pi) don't actually ship with a sound card. So what is the result of getSoundcard()?

A common (bad) practice is to return the null reference to indicate the absence of a sound card. Unfortunately, this means the call to getUSB() will try to return the USB port of a null reference, which will result in a NullPointerException at runtime and stop your program from running further. Imagine if your program was running on a customer's machine; what would your customer say if the program suddenly failed?

To give some historical context, Tony Hoare—one of the giants of computer science—wrote, "I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement."

What can you do to prevent unintended null pointer exceptions? You can be defensive and add checks to prevent null dereferences, as shown in Listing 1:丑陋代码

String version = "UNKNOWN";
if(computer != null){
  Soundcard soundcard = computer.getSoundcard();
  if(soundcard != null){
    USB usb = soundcard.getUSB();
    if(usb != null){
      version = usb.getVersion();

However, you can see that the code in Listing 1 quickly becomes very ugly due to the nested checks. Unfortunately, we need a lot of boilerplate code to make sure we don't get a NullPointerException. In addition, it's just annoying that these checks get in the way of the business logic. In fact, they are decreasing the overall readability of our program.

Furthermore, it is an error-prone process; what if you forget to check that one property could be null? I will argue in this article that using null to represent the absence of a value is a wrong approach. What we need is a better way to model the absence and presence of a value.

To give some context, let's briefly look at what other programming languages have to offer.

02、有什么替代 Null 的方法?

Languages such as Groovy have a safe navigation operator represented by "?." to safely navigate through potential null references. (Note that it is soon to be included in C#, too, and it was proposed for Java SE 7 but didn't make it into that release.) It works as follows:

String version = computer?.getSoundcard()?.getUSB()?.getVersion();

In this case, the variable version will be assigned to null if computer is null, or getSoundcard() returns null, or getUSB() returns null. You don't need to write complex nested conditions to check for null.

In addition, Groovy also includes the Elvis operator "?:" (if you look at it sideways, you'll recognize Elvis' famous hair), which can be used for simple cases when a default value is needed. In the following, if the expression that uses the safe navigation operator returns null, the default value "UNKNOWN" is returned; otherwise, the available version tag is returned.

String version = 
    computer?.getSoundcard()?.getUSB()?.getVersion() ?: "UNKNOWN";

Other functional languages, such as Haskell and Scala, take a different view. Haskell includes a Maybe type, which essentially encapsulates an optional value. A value of type Maybe can contain either a value of a given type or nothing. There is no concept of a null reference. Scala has a similar construct called Option[T] to encapsulate the presence or absence of a value of type T. You then have to explicitly check whether a value is present or not using operations available on the Option type, which enforces the idea of "null checking." You can no longer "forget to do it" because it is enforced by the type system.

OK, we perged a bit and all this sounds fairly abstract. You might now wonder, "so, what about Java SE 8?"

03、Optional 简述

Java SE 8 introduces a new class called java.util.Optional<T> that is inspired from the ideas of Haskell and Scala. It is a class that encapsulates an optional value, as illustrated in Listing 2 below and in Figure 1. You can view Optional as a single-value container that either contains a value or doesn't (it is then said to be "empty"), as illustrated in Figure 2.

We can update our model to make use of Optional, as shown in Listing 2:

public class Computer {
  private Optional<Soundcard> soundcard;  
  public Optional<Soundcard> getSoundcard() { ... }

public class Soundcard {
  private Optional<USB> usb;
  public Optional<USB> getUSB() { ... }


public class USB{
  public String getVersion(){ ... }

The code in Listing 2 immediately shows that a computer might or might not have a sound card (the sound card is optional). In addition, a sound card can optionally have a USB port. This is an improvement, because this new model can now reflect clearly whether a given value is allowed to be missing. Note that similar ideas have been available in libraries such as Guava.

But what can you actually do with an Optional<Soundcard> object? After all, you want to get to the USB port's version number. In a nutshell, the Optional class includes methods to explicitly deal with the cases where a value is present or absent. However, the advantage compared to null references is that the Optional class forces you to think about the case when the value is not present. As a consequence, you can prevent unintended null pointer exceptions.

It is important to note that the intention of the Optional class is not to replace every single null reference. Instead, its purpose is to help design more-comprehensible APIs so that by just reading the signature of a method, you can tell whether you can expect an optional value. This forces you to actively unwrap an Optional to deal with the absence of a value.

04、采用 Optional 的模式

Enough talking; let's see some code! We will first explore how typical null-check patterns can be rewritten using Optional. By the end of this article, you will understand how to use Optional, as shown below, to rewrite the code in Listing 1 that was doing several nested null checks:

String name = computer.flatMap(Computer::getSoundcard)

Note: Make sure you brush up on the Java SE 8 lambdas and method references syntax (see "Java 8: Lambdas[1]") as well as its stream pipelining concepts (see "Processing Data with Java SE 8 Streams").

05、创建 Optional 对象

First, how do you create Optional objects? There are several ways:

Here is an empty Optional:

Optional<Soundcard> sc = Optional.empty();

And here is an Optional with a non-null value:

SoundCard soundcard = new Soundcard();
Optional<Soundcard> sc = Optional.of(soundcard);

If soundcard were null, a NullPointerException would be immediately thrown (rather than getting a latent error once you try to access properties of the soundcard).

Also, by using ofNullable, you can create an Optional object that may hold a null value:

Optional<Soundcard> sc = Optional.ofNullable(soundcard);

If soundcard were null, the resulting Optional object would be empty.


Now that you have an Optional object, you can access the methods available to explicitly deal with the presence or absence of values. Instead of having to remember to do a null check, as follows:

SoundCard soundcard = ...;
if(soundcard != null){

You can use the ifPresent() method, as follows:

Optional<Soundcard> soundcard = ...;

You no longer need to do an explicit null check; it is enforced by the type system. If the Optional object were empty, nothing would be printed.

You can also use the isPresent() method to find out whether a value is present in an Optional object. In addition, there's a get() method that returns the value contained in the Optional object, if it is present. Otherwise, it throws a NoSuchElementException. The two methods can be combined, as follows, to prevent exceptions:


However, this is not the recommended use of Optional (it's not much of an improvement over nested null checks), and there are more idiomatic alternatives, which we explore below.


A typical pattern is to return a default value if you determine that the result of an operation is null. In general, you can use the ternary operator, as follows, to achieve this:

Soundcard soundcard = 
  maybeSoundcard != null ? maybeSoundcard 
            : new Soundcard("basic_sound_card");

Using an Optional object, you can rewrite this code by using the orElse() method, which provides a default value if Optional is empty:

Soundcard soundcard = maybeSoundcard.orElse(new Soundcard("defaut"));

Similarly, you can use the orElseThrow() method, which instead of providing a default value if Optional is empty, throws an exception:

Soundcard soundcard = 

08、使用 filter 方法拒绝某些值

Often you need to call a method on an object and check some property. For example, you might need to check whether the USB port is a particular version. To do this in a safe way, you first need to check whether the reference pointing to a USB object is null and then call the getVersion() method, as follows:

USB usb = ...;
if(usb != null && "3.0".equals(usb.getVersion())){

This pattern can be rewritten using the filter method on an Optional object, as follows:

Optional<USB> maybeUSB = ...;
maybeUSB.filter(usb -> "3.0".equals(usb.getVersion())
                    .ifPresent(() -> System.out.println("ok"));

The filter method takes a predicate as an argument. If a value is present in the Optional object and it matches the predicate, the filter method returns that value; otherwise, it returns an empty Optional object. You might have seen a similar pattern already if you have used the filter method with the Stream interface.

09、使用 map 方法提取和转换值

Another common pattern is to extract information from an object. For example, from a Soundcard object, you might want to extract the USB object and then further check whether it is of the correct version. You would typically write the following code:

if(soundcard != null){
  USB usb = soundcard.getUSB();
  if(usb != null && "3.0".equals(usb.getVersion()){

We can rewrite this pattern of "checking for null and extracting" (here, the Soundcard object) using the map method.

Optional<USB> usb =;

There's a direct parallel to the map method used with streams. There, you pass a function to the map method, which applies this function to each element of a stream. However, nothing happens if the stream is empty.

The map method of the Optional class does exactly the same: the value contained inside Optional is "transformed" by the function passed as an argument (here, a method reference to extract the USB port), while nothing happens if Optional is empty.

Finally, we can combine the map method with the filter method to reject a USB port whose version is different than 3.0:
      .filter(usb -> "3.0".equals(usb.getVersion())
      .ifPresent(() -> System.out.println("ok"));

Awesome; our code is starting to look closer to the problem statement and there are no verbose null checks getting in our way!

10、级联Optional对象使用 flatMap 方法

You've seen a few patterns that can be refactored to use Optional. So how can we write the following code in a safe way?

String version = computer.getSoundcard().getUSB().getVersion();

Notice that all this code does is extract one object from another one, which is exactly what the map method is for. Earlier in the article, we changed our model so a Computer has an Optional<Soundcard> and a Soundcard has an Optional<USB>, so we should be able to write the following:

String version =

Unfortunately, this code doesn't compile. Why? The variable computer is of type Optional<Computer>, so it is perfectly correct to call the map method. However, getSoundcard() returns an object of type Optional<Soundcard>. This means the result of the map operation is an object of type Optional<Optional<Soundcard>>. As a result, the call to getUSB() is invalid because the outermost Optional contains as its value another Optional, which of course doesn't support the getUSB() method. Figure 3 illustrates the nested Optional structure you would get.

So how can we solve this problem? Again, we can look at a pattern you might have used previously with streams: the flatMap method. With streams, the flatMap method takes a function as an argument, which returns another stream. This function is applied to each element of a stream, which would result in a stream of streams. However, flatMap has the effect of replacing each generated stream by the contents of that stream. In other words, all the separate streams that are generated by the function get amalgamated or "flattened" into one single stream. What we want here is something similar, but we want to "flatten" a two-level Optional into one.

Well, here's good news: Optional also supports a flatMap method. Its purpose is to apply the transformation function on the value of an Optional (just like the map operation does) and then flatten the resulting two-level Optional into a single one. Figure 4 illustrates the difference between map and flatMap when the transformation function returns an Optional object.

So, to make our code correct, we need to rewrite it as follows using flatMap:

String version = computer.flatMap(Computer::getSoundcard)

The first flatMap ensures that an Optional<Soundcard> is returned instead of an Optional<Optional<Soundcard>>, and the second flatMap achieves the same purpose to return an Optional<USB>. Note that the third call just needs to be a map() because getVersion() returns a String rather than an Optional object.

Wow! We've come a long way from writing painful nested null checks to writing declarative code that is composable, readable, and better protected from null pointer exceptions.


作者: baixiuhui1





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